Thursday, April 25, 2013

Ghost Tour

          For our eight trip for HOGS, we went to different places in downtown that are supposedly haunted. The first place we went to was The Jefferson Davis Hospital, which was named after the president of the Confederate States president. This hospital was built over an old cemetery that was called the City Cemetery. There was approximately around 5,000-6,000 people buried in this cemetery, which most of them died of the common yellow fever in the 1800's. The last person to be buried here was in the year 1904. Twenty years later, the Jefferson Davis Hospital was built. If anyone that goes by and looks at it, they wouldn't notice that it was a cemetery, because it looks really nice now. Many people believe it is haunted while others say it isn't, but it all depends on the person you talk to. After visiting the hospital, we went to view the "Hanging Tree" which is believed to be one of the oldest trees in Houston. It was big and robust and it gave plentiful of shade making it peaceful to sit under the tree and enjoy the view. After going there, we went to have lunch at the Spaghetti Warehouse, which is divided in two floors. It is believed that the second floor is the most haunted part of the restaurant, and that is exactly we here we went to eat lunch. Once we started eating, the environment felt more peaceful and quiet than haunted and spooky; well at least to me that's the way it felt. I talked to two of the workers that work there to ask them about any experiences they have had before, related to the restaurant being haunted, but all they said was that they had not had any experiences yet, but there was only one thing, and that was that when they walked alone in the back part of the restaurant with the lights turned off, they felt as if someone or something would be walking behind them, but that was all they had experienced. The last place we went to visit was the "Donnellan Crypt". There is a long story about this that it would be impossible to write everything. Click on the link to learn more.

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