Saturday, March 9, 2013

Museum of Fine Arts

For our fifth trip for HOGS, we went to view beautiful painting and sculptures at the Museum of Fine Arts. In our list, we had multiple paintings and pieces of art that we were suppose to go and check out and write about them, but due that they had taken some down, we weren't able to see them all as we would of liked. The people at the museum where very careful about where people could and couldn't take pictures. I, usually don't like to go to museums for the reason that I get bored easily, but I had a good time there with my friends, and looking at the paintings and some sculptures. Some paintings were very detailed, while others I really couldn't tell what the meaning was or what was painted. There were some interesting paintings and some that really didn't catch my attention, but they all had something unique in them. I also liked the tunnel we went through. At first I thought the blue "wall" was an actual solid wall, but I changed opinion once I was about to fall in it, thinking it was a wall. I was also amazed at "Odyssey" by Cai Guo-Quiang. The room felt very peaceful I would say, and the walls were very well detailed, to the extent that it made you go like, "How was he able to do this?". In my opinion, this was the best thing I liked above all the other things in the museum. There was also a video that showed how it was made and who the guy from China was. Due to shortage of time, we were sadly, unable to finish watching the entire video about him. Overall I enjoyed looking at the amazing pieces of art in the Museum.

Cai Guo-Qiang 

1 comment:

  1. I'm very tactile and love to feel different textures. I touched a statue and got in trouble. Yikes!
