Tuesday, March 5, 2013

The East End

I really like what it says. Translated to English would say:
I paint-You paint-They erase
I live-You live-They Kill
I love-You Love-They Hate
I work-You work-They Steal
           For our third trip, we went to the East End, to see some interesting, and meaningful murals. At first we went to see three distinctive murals that had a different meaning but there was one that I like the most, which was, "No Olvides tus Raices", which translated from Spanish to English would be, "Don't forget your race", something like that. It represents, in my opinion that we should never be ashamed of our race, our self, or where our parents came from. That day we also went to see some graffiti painting. It was very interesting to notice that almost every painting had, "Nekst", written on it. There was this specific painting, or rather words written on the wall that drew my attention, and I really liked what it said. It is one of the pictures below. If you're interested in knowing a little more about "Nekst", you can go ahead and click the links below, or if not possible, just copy and paste into the URL.



"Don't Forget Your Races"

1 comment:

  1. No olvides tus raices has so many meanings. Did you notice how the tree trunk is two hands holding up the branches?
